I was raised in Oakland, California in the late 60’s and early 70’s and it is safe to say I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Yes, I experienced significant challenges in my youth, but I also gained knowledge that later proved to guide me straight to success. I learned about multicultural dynamics and how important having an open mind really is. I was brought up around children from all different ethnic backgrounds and walks of life. We didn’t pay attention to racial differences like people do today. We were all one.
I can remember this nighttime show on KSAN that featured guests, many of which were professors at UC Berkeley and Stanford University, who had Islam, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and many other, perspectives. The area I lived in and attended school at, literally 5 miles from UC Berkeley, was at the time the epicenter of enlightened thought and philosophy.
Looking back now, I feel fortunate to have learned the Universal Truth from so many brilliant people. Most of the people my parents hung out with, and my teachers and coaches, were all significantly influenced by this cultural phenomenon.
Today, I believe I have a uniquely authentic and truthful perspective on life compared to people in the generations that followed as well as others from other regions at that time.
My generation was solidified with hard work, not hand-outs, and many of us carried this ethic with us into adulthood. We didn’t have a sense of entitlement like in today’s generation.
As a teenager, I was homeless at one point and on my own in the world, but I still had the mindset of success stemming from the economic courses I took in school. The expectation set on us kids in those times were if you work hard and try your best with a good heart and great intentions you could accomplish most anything.
The courses I took in school back then and the ideologies that were once considered awe inspiring, unfortunately, aren’t part of curriculum in today’s education and definitely not part of the social and educational indoctrination that is going on today. Most 20 year old people draw a blank at the term laissez faire
At the time I was just getting started in my career, in the late 70’s and early 80’s, it was more common for young adults to find early success and start building a life than it is today, and I did just that.
However, it wasn’t until later that I came to a crossroads with the meaning of life. It was in 1987 as I was cruising down the 405 in my Vette, high on cocaine, when my life flashed before my eyes and I received my sign from God. From that day on, I became a servant to others, following God’s path in whatever I accomplished. I found meaning.
My Christian faith went hand in hand with my experience in economics and I began to see true reward from God. I lived the American dream, owning multiple successful businesses and creating a beautiful home for my family.
Today I am deeply grateful for the people and things that gave me many key lessons in life and I want to share my them along with my Christian values and beliefs with today's generation because our country has veered away from success and individual independence due to the constant backlash from socialist agendas infiltrating our government.
Most of us I suspect just assumed that our kids were being taught the same stuff as we were. Wrong!
Success in business and trade with little to no government control nor intervention was encouraged. While at the same time it was instilled in us that welfare takes away basic human rights by encouraging people to be lazy and not take pride in working.
Welfare was a condition that was not encouraged and people both agreed and understood that money could simply not be endlessly printed because inflation would take over the American dream. We wanted to work. We wanted success and independence.
But alas, vast sums of China (CPC) money influenced the corrupt and propaganda peddling American Teachers Association (and all that ilk) were busy brainwashing our kids right under our noses. The sick part is the money comes from us buying China stuff on Amazon!
So we are now almost hopelessly ruined as a country because many are so brainwashed that they actually hate this country when the actual data, just pure objective data, overwhelmingly makes the case that we, the United states of America, are the best country on earth today and the best country there ever has been in the history of man. Perfect, no. Best ever, yes. To be hated? Really? Dumb asses...
I highly suggest reading Shelby Steele, a prominent black conservative who suggests that welfare is literally an extension of the slave plantation and is the worst form of racism because it strips away the dignity of work.
See: White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era
Paperback - May 29, 2007.
Get your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/White-Guilt-Together-Destroyed-Promise/dp/0060578637
We must all overcome the tendency, as compassionate human beings, to take our past mistakes so hard that we harm our selves. Let us learn from our mistakes, and vow to never repeat them, and make the best use of the lessons learned to sing the song of brotherhood, fidelity and freedom!
We need each other more than ever now. Black, white, red, yellow and brown, (forgive if I left any out) we are all humans and we can thrive best by simply loving each other.
Just love each other.
There’s No Such Thing as Free Lunch
The above American idiom is from the book, There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
by Milton Freidman. This book was a staple during my generation and teaches everything one needs to know about economics. The author was widely accepted as one of the best economists of all time.
“Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will”
So where can we find this book today? On Amazon there are limited copies and asking price is over $3k! However, you will see an abundance of books available with socialist titles such as There’s No Such Thing as a free Lunch, or is There.
This isn't shocking coming from a multi-billion-dollar corporation that has been going along with the socialist agenda to gain control over the masses and keep a monopoly over them.
The corporate globalists are working overtime to erase history and belief systems by controlling the books we read, the news we get, and the content we see online.
What is even more disturbing is the content they push on us. It’s easier to find a book on Bestiality than Laissez Faire Economics which makes a significant statement about the current condition of our society.
Another important work is another book authored by Freidman named Capitalism and Freedom.
In this book, he explains the role of capitalism in liberal society. He sold over four hundred thousand hard copies and millions of paperback copies since its publication and the book was translated into eighteen different languages.
Topics covered include the roles of government in a free society, education, trade arrangements, capitalism, and social responsibility. Freidman's political beliefs have contributed to the development of new parties such as the Libertarians. The younger generation has neglected the importance of individual freedom and books such as these are important to keep relevant as the left tries to manipulate the free mind into a controlled one.
This is a must read to learn how a truly free society should do business.
Get your copy here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51877.Capitalism_and_Freedom
What Is Reward and Sacrifice?
While economics and political understanding is vital to the success and freedom of our children, it will serve no significance without a strong belief system. It’s not only lack of understanding for individual freedom but also the lack of meaning in life and purpose that drains away the desire and quest for exploration, discovery, commerce, and success. This a a really bad, life threatening cancer that is eating away at our society today.
The saying, reward comes with sacrifice, has been manipulated over time and unless it comes straight from the Bible, it’s likely blasphemy disguised as some form of socialist agenda.
This notion is best exemplified from the way Christ was the ultimate servant, paying the ultimate sacrifice when He gave himself to us when He died on the cross even though He knew we were really bad sinners. As Christians, we should want to follow Jesus's example and serve others by sacrificing without seeking any reward or the reward will cease to come.
Teens and young adults have essentially forgotten the importance of sacrifice and replaced it with entitlement, the ultimate self-serving ideology. This is rapidly becoming the new religion of today. If this continues, the current younger generation will see no reward and sadly become dependent on the ill intentions of the government. A self-serving government and a self-serving society will doom the common person to live in misery and slavery.
However, if we sacrifice with pure intentions and faith in God, many rewards will inevitably come back to us. In Luke 18 we are reminded of the rewards we will receive for being faithful.
• God Rewards the Elect with Justice (18:1-8)
• God Rewards the Sinner with Mercy (18:9-14)
• God Rewards the Humble with His Kingdom (18:15-17)
• God Rewards the Self-Denying with Eternal Life (18:18-30)
• God Rewards the Blind with Sight (18:31-43)
From my youth and up to about ten years ago, most Christian churches in America would preach sermons at least 2 or 3 times a year centered around sacrifice and reward. We were taught that true blessings only come when we choose to put ourselves out into the world as servants. It is really true, God will always reward the faithful!
Today, this notion has become distorted by evil agendas or eliminated altogether. Yet, as servants of God, it’s our duty to keep these key teachings alive and teach them to whoever we can. People who believe they are entitled often do not make any personal sacrifices and therefore any reward given will come from ill intentions and therefore not be genuine in its nature. Hardships and ruinous tribulations must surely follow them all ther days. Unless they repent and turn to Jesus!
My advice is to give all you can, as often as you can, and do it so that nobody knows it was you who did it.
Give With a Pure Heart
After one understands the dynamic of reward and sacrifice, we must reflect on our intentions behind our sacrifice. We will receive exactly what we put out.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.”
Colossians 3:23-25
We must give with a pure heart, and we must give without the expectation of receiving anything in return. Likewise, we must always treat others the way we would like to be treated, giving in the same way we want to receive. This was taught to me by my Grandmother Louise, and she called it “The Golden Rule”.
For example, donating to someone solely to get the label as a good person will not reward us in the same way that donating in secrecy will. Jesus said that a person who gives quietly in their closet will receive the best reward that only God can give. These gifts include supernatural abilities such as things happening in your favor. This is what we Christians commonly call “Gods favor”.
Sadly, millennials are abandoning this philosophy and trading it for only working if promised something in return. The socialist leaders disguise certain rewards as promises for virtue but really, they are for self-gain as well.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
Colossians 3:23
This socialist ideology only results in more power grabs and a never-ending cycle of negative intentions which secretly strip us of individual freedom and beliefs. In a sense, our youth are making a deal with the devil instead of trusting faith in God and his abilities that reach beyond any materialistic values. Atheists are becoming ever so popular in the new generation, but we can correlate the religious shift with increased suicide and mental health problems and decline in physical health.
These consequences align with the socialist agenda to destroy faith and use the government power to rule over all of society. They have the confidence and determination to succeed at this but with our faith in God and positive energy into being a service to others, we will always overcome this agenda. Right now, is a pivotal time for us to lead unto others and God has led unto us.
We can’t continue to claim to be Christians while refusing to spread the word of God to those around us. We cannot lead society out of this dark hole and into the light unless we commit ourselves to show them the way. Our intentions as Christians are for the success of our country, really the entire world, not just for ourselves, and this is what will save America, and the world, before it’s too late.
Millennials Have Abandoned Meaning and Purpose
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6:1-34
In a society with growing pressure for acceptance and recognition, and an unsatiable need for validation, we find this demand negatively affecting our sense of purpose and meaning. Social platforms are an everyday part of most young people’s lives and they’ve targeted their focus on approval from others.
This consequently leads our youth away from serving others and instead serving themselves. It’s also distorted the essence of giving and community service. People are only being a service to others to get the satisfaction of approval from others.
Likewise, they are being influenced to live life without a healthy belief system and thus having difficulty finding meaning in purpose for their existence. The socialist agenda wipes them of their beliefs and disguises itself as virtuous as it pushes them for government dependence as temporary reparations and rewards.
These handouts feel good in the moment, but true reward will never come, and this cycle will continue to repeat itself until the soul is washed of all meaning. The real pandemic is suicide, the ultimate consequence to loneliness.
Karma, the Universal Notion
So far, we have covered the works of the Bible and the lacking belief system among our youth, but what will the result be to these self-serving agendas on both an individual and national scale?
Karma is a notion that is practically universal among all religions and philosophy. In today’s society, the word karma has been dumbed down to simple, “do bad things and bad things will happen to you”, but its meaning is more significant that this cliché saying, and many economists have based their theories off of it.
The bible preaches that the ill intentions we partake in are sin and the effect of sin will return to us. One verse that reflects this notion is Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”. This of course also means that the good we do will be returned to us, a hundred fold!
Matthew 13:8, 23 and Luke 8:8 is Jesus’ parable of the sower. It is about gospel workers who go forth and sow seeds of gospel truth (not money) in order to harvest souls (not money) for the kingdom of God. The context is NOT about money! In 13:10 the disciples asked Jesus why he taught in parables. Referring to knowledge of the “mysteries of heaven” in 13:11, Jesus says in 13:12 that those who are given knowledge from God will be given even “more abundance” --of knowledge, not money! Again this is referring to knowledge and not money.
When I pray, I thank Jesus for the blessings He has bestowed upon us and I ask Him for supernatural power to be healthy, wealthy, and wise in His ways. Some might be critical of the wealthy part; all I know is that MY God is a God of plenty!
In verse 7 of chapter 99 in the Holy Quran, it states, “So whoever does a good deed equal to the weight of the minutest particle, will see it”. Chapter 8 states, “And whoever does an evil deed equal to the weight of the minutest particle, will see it.” They believe that karma means all actions result in a reaction, whether positive or negative. The Quran is the ancient scripture of Islam.
Greek Mythology:
The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word “nemein” which means to give what is due. “Nem”
means to distribute. The goddess Nemesis decides retribution for those who are arrogant to the Gods.
Karma is a fundamental principle in Buddhist philosophy. It is centered around present and future life and rebirth. In simple terms, it states that evil actions in this life will result in a rebirth into a negative environment where as good actions, such as selflessness and giving, will result in rebirth into a positive environment. Understanding karma is important for obtaining greater happiness through good deeds.
Karma was established back in what I like to call the beginning of the beginning and today’s youth should be researching its development from scholars and readings, not TikTok and Instagram graphics. Why is karma so important to understand in depth? Simply because an individual creates their own.
Freedom Must Be Maintained
Now that we’ve covered purpose, good intentions, karma, and being a service to others, I will discuss why these factors are significant to freedom. Freedom is necessary for us as a society to be able to have the right to practice religion and therefore be a service to each other thus making a strong community.
Without the freedom to think for ourselves we lose our ability to reach independence and success. We will end up a society dependent on the government and it will start with the decline free trade and end with controlled minds and actions.
Not only does this take from our personal purpose and meaning, it also sets our country up for negative consequences from the karma of bad intentions and evil agendas.
America is the first and only country to reach freedom and create a government out of its own people, for the people, and by the people. Our great Constitution promises these rights and hundreds of thousands of people have died sacrificing their lives for us to have them today.
In return, we must sacrifice to protect this privilege. The socialists will relentlessly and confidently try to pervert the Constitution with their desire for power and to control us, but the laws within it will forever be on the side of We The People.
We defeated fascism in World War 2 and communism in the Cold War. We have defeated the socialist attempts to dictate by utilizing the laws promised in the Constitution. We need to continue to fight for our freedom because it must be maintained, and we the people have all the tools to do this.
We need to teach our youth about their rights and the importance of capitalism and economics. We need to bring purpose back to average American by way of Christ and create good karma within our society and country.
Ronald Reagan once said:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free”.
Freedom is not free, and sacrifice is in high demand for the better of America. The Constitution gives us ALL the power, but we do not exercise this power, because we either don’t know we can or we don’t care enough. Whether by apathy or ignorance, we owe it to our forefathers, our descendants, and ourselves to stop being either and get in the game!
National efforts are weak against entrenched Wokites. But the constitution has given us a way to peel back the power at the Federal level and bring it back to the states and counties where it belongs!
Article V of the Constitution gives States the power to hold a convention to do just this!
But of course Federal Senators are a waste of time, as moving them requires activity on a macro scale and taking away their fist hold over our freedoms and takes away their power and corrupted money flow.
So what you must do are two very important things. ONE, you must learn your rights! Go to www.patriotacademy.com and sign up! TWO, you must join the Article V campaign at www.cosaction.com!
Don’t just sit back and let these people steal it all away! It does not have to be that way! Get involved now!
Do your part today!